I want to live in a world filled with innovative faith, pets that don’t shed, where diet Dr Pepper is as good for you as water, and where soaking in God’s breath and presence is as natural as breathing air.
While waiting for that day, I’ve served as a pastor at FAITH for 14+ years. My passion is for real faith in real life. One of the things I love about the FAITH community is that you are welcome here as we try to live into being a Beloved Community for all. I love investing in younger lives, helping them embrace their potential. I believe I exist to help create a world where others are empowered to use their gifts and where Jesus’ love and light shine!
While working with people is a gift of mine, my soul also longs for quiet times where I can encounter God’s creativity outdoors, in music, in historical fiction, and movies on my couch!
Varies: Mon - Thurs 9AM - 12PM